After walking along a trail for a while under the cover of heavy thick growth I came upon an open area that felt as if I had experienced a "Breakthrough" in my journey. The time walking in the shadows seemed long and so the moment I found an opening, a change in the Light, I was relieved to see I wasn't lost. Can you relate? I wonder, how many times in my life will I experience a breakthrough and will I respond with appreciation and gratitude? I hope I am always grateful!
20"x16"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info.
I’ve always enjoyed looking through those books showcasing beautiful gardens that seem to invite a visitor to sit and enjoy the view. Those get the attention but not all gardens are that spectacular. I am often grateful for a bit of shade and some unusual plants that have survived on their own to surround my bench or even just my blanket on the ground. I treasure the moments I can spend outside surrounded by the simple beauty of nature. It’s these times I first express sincere gratitude to the Creator of the creations and then rest in the moment. Yes, it must be repeated, gratitude is the position I take as I “Approach the Garden”. Perhaps the garden can be anywhere and everywhere...for this I am grateful!
24"x36"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info.
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18"x18"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info. Learn about my weekly art classesHERE Sign up for my NewsletterHERE Visit to view more of my work. Follow Holly on Facebook Follow holly on Pinterest Follow Holly on Instagram